Know your Sitar - a basic course to get started

Music: Sitar

2 Ratings

Ruthvik Rao
Instruction Language:

Hindi, Kannada, English

Type of Class

1 to 1

Class Duration

60 min


1 class in a week

Level Up Classes

6 months

₹ 1,000




Ruthvik Rao

10 Years Experience

About the Course

The sitar, a traditional Indian instrument, features parts like pegs, strings, a soundboard, neck, frets, and resonators. Sit cross-legged, with the sitar resting on your right knee and neck angled on your left shoulder. Use your left hand to press strings on the frets and your right hand to pluck with a mizrab. Basic exercises include practicing scales, patterns, slides, ornamentations, and regular tuning to improve your skills.

Type of Class

1 to 1

Class Duration

60 min


1 class in a week

Level Up Classes

6 months

₹ 1,000




Ruthvik Rao

10 Years Experience